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HomeTeam Vegas Vettes Coordinator

Volunteer(s) Needed - Silver State Classic Challenge and Nevada Open Road Challenge


LVCA is looking for a Coordinator(s) for Team Vegas Vettes for the May 2020 Nevada Open Road Challenge.


Team Vegas Vettes was formed to increase the level of safety and safety awareness for the participants running in the Silver State Classic Challenge (SSCC). The team was formed from members of the Las Vegas Corvettes Association in the late 1990’s and has perpetuated itself with volunteers from the club plus individuals from outside the club. Event safety is the responsibility of the participants competing in the event and we help make them aware.

For the past 20 plus years LVCA and Team Vegas Vettes has been providing the lion’s share of personnel to support SSCC’s bi-annual open road races. SSCC has grown to depend on Team Vegas Vettes and it is important to us that we continue to support this long-standing tradition.   

The original service that the Team provided was a “Last Look” at the car and driver/navigator safety equipment. As time has passed, the Team has morphed into also providing traffic management for the SSCC. The Team now provides Pre-Grid and Grid control for the Half Mile and Mile Shootout held on Fridays, Layout and Parking assistance for Saturdays Car Show, Driver Sign-In and Grid Assignment at Saturdays Drivers Meeting, Pre-Grid /Final Grid Parking, Cabin Checks and Rolling Tire Checks including Traffic Management.

The Coordinator’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: forming the team of about 30 volunteers, setting up a pre-event team dinner meeting, coordination with the SSCC (normally Bunny Hill in Ely) for motel/hotel accommodations, shirts or hats for team members, any venue changes on SSCC’s part that affect the schedule, and transporting the safety vests, portable radios, work gloves and knee pads to the event(s).


The Team Coordinator does receive some compensation from SCCC, so there should never be a question of being out of pocket.  The Team Coordinator(s) earn a Driver/Navigator entry in the events including the Shootout. In the past the Coordinators have either used the entry themselves, or have sold the entry to someone who is competing. Depending on the speed class of the entry, this has a value of 700 to 1,000 dollars. This money, or benefit, to the Coordinator should always be more than enough to defray their costs.  In addition, the Coordinator’s rooms are paid for, just like the Team members.


Although a demanding job, the Coordinator’s position should not present any major technical issues to a motivated individual.  The process is very well established, the Team members are mostly very experienced, and the past Team Coordinators are available to provide detailed assistance.


The Team Coordinator position is exciting, rewarding and the racers are always extremely grateful for our help.  Interested? Jump in and help with this great event.


If you need further information please feel free to contact Lanny Lowman (702-334-0898) or Ken Rees (702-649-1495).

